September 22, 2009

Trip to Boston

Kelly and Mike
Evening Surf

My mom being silly

surf meets sky

Sisters kitty, Karma

September 15th, 2000
My sister now lives in Leominster, Mass in a very pretty home with her husband, Mike (awesome guy!). My mom and I took the trip east to pay Kelly and Mike a visit two weekends ago. We spent lots of time bonding over good food-the best part of visits-watching movies together, playing wii (not to be confused with playing with our wee-wees), and goofing around. On Sunday we drove to Kittery Maine and spent some time shopping around the Kittery Trading Post, the local outlet stores and we ate dinner at a neat New Englandesque place-mmmmmm blueberry chicken, fish and chips, mmmm! In the evening we drove to Wells Maine to see the Ocean. It was a beautiful evening: nice and cool, beautiful sea breeze blowing on shore, the surf was 3-5ft, and the sun was setting. It was so nice to just to watch nature unfold like this with my family, and I wish Eileen could have been there. This trip brought back some great memories for me. My father took my mom, brother and I to Kittery and Wells when we were 12 or so, and it was the first time I saw the ocean. This area is probably cliche for New Englanders, but given the memories I have there and the family I was with, I adore it! On Monday we drove to Salem Mass. Salem was not what I expected-there were lots of neat shops, restaurants, etc. but I was hoping it would be less commercial. We arrived late so many of the shops were closing and the ghost hunts do not begin until October. Despite those shortcomings, it was great browsing around with my family! This trip flew by, which is a good sign. The best part were the long rides back to my sisters house during which we gorged ourselves on fudge and picked on one another. I miss Kelly and Mike already, and I'm excited to see them during the holidays!

Much Has Changed

Much has changed, to say the least. Hmmm, where do I begin? After my last post (10/18/08) I went through surgery due to gall stones. It went well, though the pain killers put me out of commission for several weeks due to insomnia. OYYYYY! I spent fall '08 adjusting my eating habits, working on my thesis, weight lifting, etc. I'm in much better shape this fall due to these adjustments, and my life has become much more beautiful due a girl named Eileen Jensen (check out picture to the side). She was my high school sweet heart, but we lost touch when we started college. Now, however, our romance has blossomed and we have been happily pursuing life together since December 5, 2008. She works in mobile marketing, so we are fighting through the distance and holding steadfast! She's absolutely amazing! In May 2009 I finally, after three long, stressful years, finished my thesis and graduated with a M.S. in biology. Graduate school was an incredible experience-I grew tremendously as a person, my eyes are open wider as well as my heart; I miss Richmond VA and the friends I made there. I am now living at home with my mom while I sort my thoughts out. I must admit that I did not make much progress during the summer months. I am thinking about teaching biology while I save up to invest into the resources I need to own and operate a fly shop and guide service in the Finger Lakes region (NY). This summer I started playing bass guitar: I absolutely love it! I've played a couple gigs for friends and family, and in a band during a church service. What a learning experience. Music is definately a new avenue I will continue to persue.

When I started this blog, I was consumed with fly fishing-absolutely obsessed. After surgery, my relationship and graduating, my perspective has changed. I still love fly fishing, but I am now more atuned to life's other offferings. That said, this blog will continue to focus on fly fishing though I will also rant and rave about my love life, family, guitar playing etc. I am hoping to turn this blog into a more detailed glance at my life.

Over the next couple weeks I will be posting details and pictures from summer fishing trips and a visit with my sister in brother-in-law in Boston. After catch up, it will be time to for the pike, brown trout, and lake trout to move in shallow thus my efforts will be focused there.
